A True Prophet Gives The Glory To God Alone.

God gave Joseph power to overcome temptation (Genesis 39). Now, He gives him power to interpret dreams. Here, Joseph the dreamer (Genesis 37:5-11) becomes Joseph the interpreter of dreams. Joseph may be viewed as a prophet: ‘Surely the Lord does nothing, without revealing His secret to His servants the prophets’ (Amos 3:7). As a true prophet, he gives the glory to God alone: ‘Do not interpretations belong to God?’ (Genesis 40:8). Joseph became the forgotten man (Genesis 40:23). For Joseph, life had become very difficult. He had known prosperity (Genesis 39:2-3). Now, he was suffering adversity. God is in both our prosperity and our adversity. He uses adversity to produce in us a heart of humility. What was Joseph doing while he was in prison? He was keeping close to God, waiting patiently for his ‘time to speak’ (Ecclesiastes 3:7).