Let’s Be Like Jesus - Walking In The Ways Of Our Heavenly Father.

Ahab’s repentance (1 Kings 21:27) didn’t last long! He continued to live in sin (22:8). He died in shame (1 Kings 22:37-38). Ahab’s son - Ahaziah - was just like his father - ‘a chip off the old block’: ‘He … provoked the Lord, the God of Israel to anger in every way that his father had done’ (1 Kings 22:51-53). Jehoshapat was a different type of king - ‘he did what was right in the eyes of the Lord’ (1 Kings 22:43). Here, we catch a glimpse of our Lord Jesus Christ - ‘I do as the Father commanded Me’ (John 14:31). Don’t be like Ahaziah -‘he walked in the ways of his father… the ways of sin’ (1 Kings 22:52). Let’s be like Jesus - Walking in the ways of our Heavenly Father. God says to us, ‘This is the way; walk in it’ (Isaiah 30:21). Let us say, ‘As for God, His way is perfect’ (2 Samuel 22:31). Let us pray, ‘Our Father in heaven… Your will be done (Matthew 6:9-10).