Approaching The Book Of Revelation (7) - "Seeing History From God's Point Of View (i)

Seeing history from God's point of view
What does this mean? There are really only two ways of looking at history. There is the way of faith and there is the way of unbelief. For the unbeliever, history is no more than a meaningless series of events. There is no sense of direction. There is no goal toward which history is travelling. We're going round in circles. We're on a journey, but we're not going anywhere. We're on a wild goose chase, looking for something and finding nothing. For the believer, everything is different. The believer sees a sense of direction in history. He sees history as a journey toward a destination - a glorious, heavenly and eternal destination. What is it that makes the difference? How is the believer able to see more than the unbeliever? Is there something special about the believer? No! The difference comes from this - "the revelation of Jesus Christ." It is Jesus who gives us something to live for. Through "the revelation of Jesus Christ", we are able to look at life with new eyes. We see our life with the eyes of Jesus. He gives to us the eyes of faith. Through faith in Him, we see God at work in all things. We see God at the centre of our life. We see Him, working out His purpose of grace. He is fitting us for heaven. This is the goal of our life on earth.