Author: Milton K. Smith
ISBN: 978-1-4343-2575-4
Review Date: March 31st, 2011
Reviewed by: Christian Book Marketing
9.7 stars out of 10.0 stars
Are YOU for sale or for rent? That is a question that you should be asking yourself if you are single. Are you ready to pursue a life that is pleasing to God and take the proper steps to find your lifetime mate? Or are you just looking to have a good time and hope that everything turns out alright? In this book, the author addresses these urgent issues and explains why one works and why the other does not. This is a timely and well-written book for our youth and singles of today! Parents, heads up, you might want to read this one as well!
In his book, Author Milton K. Smith, concisely and firmly addresses the delicate subject of relationships and Christian dating in a simple and understandable way. Drawing a parallel between tabernacle, in ancient Jewish times, and the human spirit, the author sets forth a standard that is undeniable and biblically based. This is an urgent subject that needs to be more readily addressed in our youth and within our culture, as the morals have declined into the thinking that casual dating and casual mannerisms are acceptable. Not so, in this intriguing book, the author sets forth a firm foundation for what it means to be holy in relationships and to live a life acceptable to God.
This thought provoking book touches the readers’s very soul in causing one to reassess their own views when it comes to dating. Through an educating tone, like a father to a son or daughter, the author, brilliantly and eloquently poses the right questions to ask one self when considering a mate. Explaining step by step what it means to be a person with a body, soul and spirit, the author, puts in layman’s terms what it means to be filled with the Spirit of God and that the attributes to be looking for in a mate might not be what you think. As the author explains, it is of high importance to address the spiritual, as well as the physical, causing the reader to gauge the relationships that are being considered.
Setting a firm biblical perspective and foundation for an acceptable, in order relationship, the author goes on to describe the process of a healthy progression of a relationship, once a mate has been chosen. Using the example of a house and the various rooms, the author, exemplifies what exactly you should look for in a mate and how to proceed. By highlighting what is truly important, the author gives the reader the correct biblical standpoint for choosing a mate. If only our youths were taught this from the beginning there would be much less confusion and heartache!
A highly recommend book and quick read, this book can be used as a ministering tool to youths, singles and parents, alike, no matter what the age. In today’s world, this is an urgent issue that the author has addressed in a non-offensive manner, yet is biblically sound. Thank you Milton for writing this informative and much needed book!