Author: Leon Newton
ISBN # 978-1-936076-40-6
Review Date: January 14th, 2011
Reviewed by: Christian Book Reviews
9.5 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
“The Price” is one of the most unique books that I have ever read. The book is a well-written one-act play that includes the dialogue of a handful of everyday characters. The setting is hell. The cast is Satan himself, an arrogant millionaire and a few other individuals that you might even know. All have been sent to hell for their differing sins and therefore, paid “The Price” of admission so to speak. The dialogue between Satan, the Millionaire and the inhabitants of hell will keep you thoroughly entertained, but will also keep you on the edge of your seat, to say the very least.
Author Leon Newton, in his play, “The Price” displays a thought provoking dialogue between the characters, which not only reveals the love, compassion and mercy of God, therefore bringing others to Christ through salvation, but also encourages one to consider their own salvation and walk with God.
Shedding light upon the darkness of mankind’s heart, the author continues the dialogue between the characters that will touch the heart and life of a person who wants real answers to real questions. Is there really a God? Who is He? What is the purpose of salvation and the forgiveness of sins? What does it mean to ask for forgiveness? What is repentance? What is the grace of God? How can we really know there is a God? All these questions are so masterfully answered throughout the play. This book is a delight to read.
This book is also a very powerful ministry tool, bringing conviction upon the reader, thereby having the potential of bringing many to Christ. The book ingeniously takes a look at the world in which we live in and the sins that so easily entangle us. Based upon a sound scriptural backdrop, God’s mercy, grace and love shine through and give glory to God while revealing the vital importance of a close walk with God and the grave consequences for not accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. The book explains throughout the dialogue, why there is a need for salvation and the forgiveness of sins and is crucial to all walks of life.
This work is a must read and a must share book. The play is perfect for youth groups and churches to perform. I encourage you to pick up a copy and read it for yourself. It will leave an indelible imprint on your soul and make you realize what exactly Christ has done by His finished work on the cross. May the salvation of God and the love of God never be taken for granted.
The Price belongs on the shelves of every bookstore, in churches everywhere and within the home of every believer seeking to share the love and redeeming passion of Christ with others.
The Price By Leon Newton
Highly Recommended
9.5 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
Reviewed by: Christian Book Reviews