"You Fool! I Will Demand Your Life From You Tonight!"

Ezekiel 32:1-32
‘Pride goes before destruction’(Proverbs 16:18). ‘Pharaoh, king of Egypt’ was arrogant and ruthless: ‘You are like a lion among the nations;you are like a monster in the seas, thrashing about in your streams, churning the water with your feet and muddying the streams’(2). Soon, it would be ‘the day of his downfall’: ‘The sword of Babylon will come against you... Pharaoh and all his hordes will be killed by the sword’(10-11,32). Don’t be like the rich fool - ‘You have plenty of good things laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry’. He couldn’t have been more wrong! - ‘God said to him, ‘You fool! I will demand your life from you tonight!”’God is warning us: ‘This is how it will be with anyone who stores up things for himself but is not rich towards God’(Luke 12:19-21).
Blessings in Christ
Christ in all the Scriptures