The Renewal Of Our Worship

Deuteronomy 31:14-32:18
‘Write this song, and teach it to the people of Israel’(19,22). Moses did not delay his obedience to God. ‘Write... Teach...’: God is speaking to us about the renewal of our worship. Don’t say, ‘It’s never been done that way before’- ‘the seven last words of the church’! Moses’ song was ‘a witness for God against the people of Israel’(19). It can still help us, in this generation, to confess our sin - We ‘have dealt corruptly with Him’(5) - and glorify our God - ‘I will proclaim the Name of the Lord’(3). Modern music can help us to hear afresh the ancient message: ‘Ascribe greatness to our God...’(3-4; Mission Praise, 40). Let us praise God ‘in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs’(Ephesians 5:18-20).
Blessings in Christ
Christ in all the Scriptures